Three Things I’ve learned As An Entrepreneur

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Starting your own venture is no easy feat and can be daunting to say the least. I made a periscope clip to discuss the three lessons I learned over my last 20 years as an entrepreneur. Here is a short recap (see the video on video tab):

1. The difficult times are challengers to your belief. They come to help you discover what you’re really made of, if you have what it takes to stay the course and if you really believe what you say you believe. They also come to challenge you to be true to yourself. If you really believe that you can do it, then you will, if you don’t, then you won’t.

2. Know who you are and be confident in the person you claim to be. By knowing who you are, it becomes more difficult for the hard times, the difficult people and negative opportunities to discourage you and/or to get you off your game. When you know who you are, you are less concerned about convincing others of who you are and more concerned with just being who you are. You’re comfortable letting the nay sayers find their way elsewhere.

3. Let Passion guide you. When all else fails, you’re out of money, friends and fresh ideas, passion will propel you to create a new path. Having passion about your purpose or business can create authentic ideas and open doors that would otherwise be closed. Passion, properly directed, can bring out the best support and help you overcome in otherwise difficult journey. Passion is authentic and speaks volumes. Be sure and pack this jewel with you for your entrepreneurial journey.

There’s a lot to learn on the E journey. Don’t let the boogey man scare you. Some things will be easy, but many of them will be difficult. Tweak your plan and stay in the game until you get the desired end.

Rhonda Novak

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