Why Are You Cheating On Your Business?

We all know someone, or know OF someone who has either cheated or been cheated ON with respect to a relationship; meaning that at least one party of a supposedly committed relationship gave the valuables—either emotional or otherwise -to a third party. So what do I mean when I say cheating as it relates to the business vision? I mean you won’t or you don’t validate the vision with the proper revenue request or with the proper commitment. Here’s a popular example:  you consistently give your products and/or services away, OR you sell them consistently at a discount –never fully validating the vision or its worth. In other words, they’re always free or forever discounted which means the Business has no chance of supporting itself or you for that matter.

In order for you to really get serious about earning a living outside of the corporate world, there has to be a proper value placed on your goods and services. If you put the wrong value on those goods or services, you’re in effect cheating the purpose of the vision.  Begin to notice how you relate to your entrepreneurial vision. Are you extremely casual and nonchalant…even a bit squeamish? Do you give away your valuables just for the cheap thrill of an “oh my gosh that looks great” Or do you give it away for something like this: “gee thanks can you do one of those for my friend?”

Stop cheating and get serious about committing to your vision. Take yourself and your business concept serious enough to compete in the market place for real money and real customers. Take heart and be of good courage, there will be some “no thank-yous”, but that’s the nature of legitimate business—sometimes customers say no. Friends and family as well as friends of family will generally take whatever you give away. Your vision is validated when you find marketplace customers that appreciate the products and services enough to pay a competitive rate that yields the business a decent profit.

Be faithful to the vision, create value for it and sell that value in the market place for a profit. Period. Anything other than that is cheating. I am by no means suggesting that you gouge your clients and customers, only that you give your vision a chance to flourish in the marketplace as a viable business. Operate with integrity and honesty and begin to sell out to your vision faithfully.

Rhonda W. Novak

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